How Bristol Buisness Network events work for you.

Events are taking place using Zoom until further notice.  These events are FREE for decision makers and visitors are welcome. 

For your invitation - email

An introduction from Sean Humby - Director and host.

At each event you will have the opportunity to meet numerous other senior decision makers from locally based businesses in a relaxed and focused environment. It is a proven way and sustainable way of continuing to develop opportunities for your business.

  • You will generate opportunities that will enhance your business
  • You will build mutually beneficial relationships with other decision makers
  • The networking is relaxed and comfortable
  • You will the opportunity to promote your business and expertise
  • You will build a team of advocates and ambassadors for your business
  • You will generate an ROI on your networking

The format for each event

All attendees to the event have a badge with their name, business name and the number for the table where they will sit for lunch. Those highlighted in green are first time visitors to Bristol Business Network events

You will also be given a copy of the table seating plan - this is in Company Alphabetical order and shows the decision makers attending and which table they will be seated for the lunch along with offers an opportunities contributed by members.

The Business Enlightenment and Effectiveness session before lunch

10.00am - 11.45am - coffee served from 10am - informal networking opportunity. 10.30am.  Business Enlightenment and Effectiveness session hosted by Member company

THE Networking Lunch

11.45am. Arrival for drinks before lunch; an informal free range networking session, you have a choice of wine, fruit juice or water. You will be introduced to other members during this time.

12.30pm. Sit down for 2 course served lunch (bread rolls, main course and dessert with coffee) and formal networking at your table - you will sit on a table with 7 or 8 other decision makers - none of whom do what you do - a table host will ensure that each person get at least 3 minutes to introduce themselves and their business and the benefits that it brings to others. 

During the lunch each decision maker at your table will have 3 minutes to explain to the others the benefits that you and your organisation can offer; the type of business that you are looking for and also how other businesses can help you. Be memorable so that other people will be able to remember and refer. 

3 minute presentation tips - available here

"You can everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want" - Zig Ziglar  

There will opportunity to ask further questions when everyone has completed their 3 minutes. 

1.30pm - table to table networking. Your opportunity to go and talk to someone else in the room (the seating plan will help you locate them), continue your conversation or start a new one with someone else on your table. As a member at subsequent events you will be sat with different people

1.40 Speaker - members opportunity to be informative, enlightening, even entertaining!

2.00pm Lunch finishes - you can still continue to network with the others in the room, maybe set up a follow up meeting, gather information from the literature table. A great time to make those appointments and even continue your discussions in the venue's facilities.

Feel free to visit the Business Network SW Blog  where there is a huge archive of networking articles that can help get the most from any networking that you do

Feel free to contact me if you need more details or would like an opportunity to ask any questions

Bristol Business Network Membership gives you

Your Network Host - A valuable and committed support as they will work tirelessly on your behalf, getting you in front of the people you want to meet.

Invitations to the Monthly Meetings With Senior Decision Makers - We restrict attendees at events to a senior level, people who can influence the 'buying and selling' within their organisation.

Business Enlightenment and Effectiveness sessions hosted by experts in their field - There is a wealth of knowledge and experience within Bristol Business Network that is freely available to you. Try and ensure that you attend the pre-lunch sessions offered by Members on a wide variety of topics.  12 Business Enlightenment and Effectiveness session in a year - think of your CPD - continued professional development

Unique seating plan system giving you a variety of contacts

Corporate Membership - so you can have up to 2 senior decision makers attending each event on different tables.  Also gives you the flexibility to ensure that your business is represented at each event.

Opportunities to promote your business, enhance your brand reputation, demonstrate your expertise and talk about the benefits that your business can bring to others

Unique format proven to generate an ROI - Business Network SW events began in 1993 and the format has worked in generating numerous opportunities for it's members - some of whom have been members since then!

Business Enlightenment and Effectiveness session and speaker opportunities - if you wish to increase the profile of your company further why not offer to present a seminar/deliver a 10 minutes at the lunch. We undertake to do the promoting of the Business Enlightenment and Effectiveness session for you.

Free Stand At The Events - either a pop up banner or something more substantial at the monthly events and give members and visitors an even greater insight into what your company can provide.  This is in addition to the literature table and the Event Programme (given to every attendee) where you can have your special offers listed

Introductions To New Business Contacts - There are always new companies in attendance at the monthly events.

Improvement of your networking skills

The art of "networking" is not always a natural and comfortable process for business people.  There is plenty of support and advice available and Improving your Networking' seminars are run on a regular basis.  Plethora of networking articles and tips are available for you on the Business Network SW Blog  These I trust will be a useful tool for all your networking activities.

Continuous Membership over a long period of time ensures that members develop more and more productive, long term business relationships with other Members, and it's then that the all important 'referral networks' really become established.


For details on attending an event complete the enquiry form for your personal invitation

To make sure that you have the best possible opportunity of doing business, membership is restricted to no more than 5% in any one category in a given area - Bristol.  The category headings are based on SIC categories. Companies can only be listed in one category per membership.

For membership details contact Sean on 01981 540708 or email  

There is no joining Fee and Membership can be paid by Direct Debit

For your Event Invitations